Oct Half Term – Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal: Vincent van Gogh and the Expressionists

‘Take What You Need’ from exploring how Vincent van Gogh’s use of colours, compositions, and techniques influenced the Expressionist movements and many modern masters of the twentieth century, including German Expressionism, Picasso, Matisse, Soutine and Francis Bacon.

What The Course is About:

On this course we will explore how Vincent van Gogh’s use of colours, compositions, and techniques influenced the Expressionist movements and many modern masters of the twentieth century, including German Expressionism, Picasso, Matisse, Soutine and Francis Bacon. On the first day, we will discuss what made Van Gogh’s work so influential, focusing on how and why his artistic approach shaped the work of these later artists. You will study and work from an expressionist painting or paintings of your own choosing, with demonstrations provided to aid your understanding. On the second day, you’ll work from photographs of landscapes, portraits, or animals, applying the concepts discussed on day one to create your own small-scale Expressionist studies. Finally, on the third day, you’ll use one or more of these studies to attempt a large-scale Expressionist painting.

Materials Required:

What to bring to the first session: Bring to the first class any drawing and painting materials you possess i.e. acrylic paints, brushes, pencils etc. Paper and further items can be purchased from the school shop.

Previous Experience:

All Levels

End of course:

What will I achieve? The aim of the course is to draw inspiration from Van Gogh and the Artists he influenced, helping you to refine and enhance your own painting skills.

Info to follow

View all courses in Specialist & Holiday Courses

Starting October 2024

Class Code: 1024-12993

Price: £149.00

Location: On-Site

Tutor: Ian Ellis

From October 28th, 2024 to October 30th, 2024

Wed 10:00 - 16:00

  • 28 Oct 2024 - 10:00 to 16:00
  • 29 Oct 2024 - 10:00 to 16:00
  • 30 Oct 2024 - 10:00 to 16:00