Summer School – 2 Days: Photography for Young People

On this course participants aged 14+ years will learn to use a digital camera in a fun and creative way.

What The Course is About:

On this course, the basics of taking digital pictures will be explored with demonstrations by the tutor along with some class based teaching and plenty of practical sessions to practice using a digital camera. We will look at genres of photography such as taking pictures of people, street photography and well-known photographers work. This will help deepen the understanding of photography and how a camera works. The fundamentals in photography will be covered: including understanding relationship between ISO, F-stops & shutter speeds to composition and depth of field.We will compare different camera settings to understand best practice and look at how to deal with different light sources outdoors and indoors. How to enhance and improve images using photographic software. The course will include interactive lectures, critiques sessions of your pictures and looking at well known photographers work in this field. There will be a substantial practical element with lively photo shoots in various locations locally. Expert knowledge and tips will be given from a professional photographer.

Materials Required:

You‘ll need to have a digital camera, which could be a DSLR, bridge or mirror less camera. The quality of camera isn’t important.

Previous Experience:

All Levels

End of course:

By the end of the course you will have gained some of the necessary skills to create interesting creative pictures and learn how to fully operate your digital camera and use the manual setting to get the correct exposure.

Info to follow

Starting August 2025

Class Code: 0825-13446

Price: £99.00

Location: On-Site

Tutor: Robert Obreja

From August 14th, 2025 to August 15th, 2025

Fri 10:00 - 16:00

  • 14 Aug 2025 - 10:00 to 16:00
  • 15 Aug 2025 - 10:00 to 16:00