Summer School – B&W Darkroom Photography

This course is ideal for beginners who would like to learn how to print their own black and white photos. Students will be shown how to use the darkroom, enlargers, and photographic chemistry properly to achieve successful results

What The Course is About:

You will be taught the correct method of assessing a negative, making test strips, contact sheets, prints and photograms. Students can also learn how to process their own black and white films. The course is very practical, and darkroom safety is highlighted throughout.

Materials Required:

Black and white prints can be made from camera negatives, or digital negatives created from mobile phones or digital cameras. Photograms require everyday objects that are either transparent or solid, a combination of both always works well. You will need a hard back envelope to take your prints home at the end of the session. The school stocks 7x5 inch black and white photography paper in the shop, and if you need film this can be purchased locally at Wex Camera Shop near Putney Station.

Previous Experience:

Suitable for complete beginners who have never used film or taken a photo before as well as seasoned professionals who want to develop and print old school photographs.

End of course:

What will I achieve? You will learn the basic principles of black and white darkroom printing to attain the correct exposure and contrast for your prints. You will understand how to use the enlargers, and how to correctly process your prints using black and white chemistry. Using your knowledge of printing you will be able to manipulate your image by dodging and burning, or combine different printing techniques to create something more experimental.

Info to follow

Starting August 2025

Class Code: 0825-13368

Price: £60.00

Location: On-Site

Tutor: Simon Fernandez

August 5th, 2025

Tue 10:00 - 16:00

  • 5 Aug 2025 - 10:00 to 16:00